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Quick and reliable logistics for Your business

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Meet our company BeLogistics

Mauris rhoncus orci in imperdiet placerat. Vestibulum euismod nisl suscipit ligula volutpat, a feugiat urna maximus. Cras massa nibh, tincidunt ut eros a, vulputate consequat odio. Vestibulum vehicula tempor nulla, sed hendrerit urna interdum.

Contact 24h

Security of packages

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Delivery on time

Our advantages

The most efficient transport solutions at affordable prices

Air transportation

We offer high-speed air transportation of your cargo with full service to any location on the planet.

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Road transport

Our holding has a wide and developed network of carrier partners with an emphasis on multimodal transportation. What guarantee fast and reliable delivery of your goods through the main ports of Europe.

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Sea transportation

Holding has partners around the world. You can send cargo safely and without obstacles to any corner of the planet.

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Other services

Ut ultricies imperdiet sodales. Aliquam fringilla aliquam ex sit amet elementum.

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How to use our services?

  • Contact us in the manner most convenient to you. Leave a request on the website or call the phone number
  • Answer the questions of our managers to find out the necessary details and calculate the cost of delivery
  • Agree terms and tariff
  • After concluding the contract, we select the optimal transport for your cargo
  • We quickly and reliably transport your cargo from point A to point B
  • If necessary, we will provide additional services to the client

Order now

Wrocław — Berlin

06.09.2018, 07:00    346 km

Paris — Drezno

07.09.2018, 11:00    1028 km

Barcelona — London

06.09.2018, 08:00    1497 km

Genua — Brno

09.09.2018, 23:00    1189 km


  • Brandon Ross
    Vestibulum sollicitudin. Cras ut quam eu neque auctor auctor est, vel diam. Nam id felis. Curabitur placerat, molestie vitae, rutrum pede ultrices lorem eu pede cursus dolor tellus, volutpat at, congue orci luctus nisl. Cras tempus euismod. Nulla ac turpis egestas.
    Brandon Ross
  • Katarina Johnes
    Aenean gravida pulvinar porta est. Integer leo lobortis convallis, dui vitae sem. In lobortis volutpat. Vestibulum nibh. Duis non ullamcorper nec, ullamcorper in, dapibus eu, fringilla viverra quis, ornare bibendum leo vel lectus. Nam nec lectus vestibulum ligula. Ut nonummy.
    Katarina Johnes
  • Tony Johnson
    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet quam nibh sit amet, purus. Aliquam adipiscing elit. Quisque in erat velit ac arcu. Pellentesque sagittis, metus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Nunc sit amet lorem. In ornare ultrices posuere cubilia Curae.
    Tony Johnson